
Crucial Elements to Include in Your Child Custody Plan

Crafting child custody and parenting plans during a divorce or separation is highly personal and often complex and challenging.  The Collaborative Process offers an effective and beneficial approach to developing a plan that prioritizes the children’s best interests and meets the needs of all family members. Unlike traditional litigation, the Collaborative Process fosters cooperation and an environment where parents collaborate as a team to make these important and challenging decisions. 

A comprehensive child custody agreement, shaped by the Collaborative Process, goes beyond being a legal document; it is a roadmap for your child’s future. To ensure your child’s best interests are always considered, several key elements should be included in your custody plan. These elements include:

Custody Schedule: Define the parenting time schedule, including holidays and vacations.

Child’s Best Interests: Always prioritize the child’s well-being and developmental needs.

Legal Custody: Specify decision-making processes for education, healthcare, and other major life choices, emphasizing shared decision-making.

Parenting Arrangements: Determine where the child will reside and establish a detailed schedule for parental transitions, including times, transportation, and arrangements.

Financial Support: Clarify child support responsibilities, including expenses for education and healthcare.

Child’s Education Plan: Outline the child’s educational needs, including school selection, extracurricular activities, and how decisions regarding their education will be made in their best interests.

Dispute Resolution: Include a process for resolving disagreements, potentially through mediation.

Relocation Guidelines: Address rules and procedures for parental relocation.

Parental Family Access: Decide how and when each parent arranges contact with their own family members during their custodial time.

Future Modifications: Establish a procedure for revising the agreement as circumstances change.

The Collaborative Process offers an effective means to craft child custody and parenting plans, fostering cooperation and emotional support while keeping the child’s best interests at the forefront. By incorporating these key elements into your custody agreement, you create a comprehensive plan that provides stability, minimizes conflicts, and guides your child toward a positive and secure future.